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Students who enroll in the Hebrew High program must first consult with their school counselor and obtain permission to attend a program off-campus. Upon completion of the school year, students who fulfilled the CHH requirements will be eligible to receive 10 language credits. Be aware that some high schools will deny any credit if the student failed to obtain permission from the counselor prior to attending our program.

LVUSD students - Print the Foreign Language Form and have it signed by your school counselor and the CHHS principal.

OPUSD students - Request the Foreign Language Form from your school and have it signed by your school counselor.

CVUSD students - Inform your counselor that you are enrolling the Conejo Hebrew High School, a WASC accredited school, for foreign language.



Click on a school below to download the PDF:

Agoura High School

Oak Park High School

Westlake High School

Thousand Oaks High School

El Camino High School

San Susana High School

Newbury Park High School
Calabasas High School

The UC accepts Hebrew High transcripts in fulfillment of the Foreign Language (G) requirement.

UC only has accreditation for high schools whose curricula meet all of the A-G requirements (full time high schools)  



The Conejo Hebrew High prepares its students to be:


Academic Acheivers who can perform with self-confidence and demonstrate:

The ability to recognize and sound out all Hebrew letters and vowels.

The ability to read Hebrew fluently without vowel markings.

The ability to write Hebrew cursive, which differs in appearance from the printed block font that is used in books, newspapers, etc.

The ability to speak and write correctly using proper grammar.

The ability to read and translate stories and news articles.

The ability to write reports and summaries on the above stories and news articles.

Familiarity with at least 250 Hebrew words or phrases.

Familiarity with the names of 10-15 ancient and contemporary Hebrew writers and poets.


Growing Young Adults who:

Recognize that success can be measured by the effort exerted.

Strive to reach their own individual potential, based upon their strengths and weakenesses.

Show commitment to help other students.

Take responsibility for their work and actions.

Understand that success is measured not only accademically, but also by one's individual talents and interpersonal relationships.

Display tolerance towards other cultures, races and the disadvantaged.


Community-Minded Citizens who:

Enjoy a high level of self-esteem and pride as a result of their association with the Chabad community and beyond.

Develop a high regard for the Jewish religion, its history, the land of Israel and the freedoms we often take for granted in the United States.

Develop an appreciation and respect for the world we live in, the environment and humanity at large.










The Conejeo Hebrew High offers 6 levels of Hebrew language instruction. Students are assessed based on their level of Hebrew proficiency and background.


Level 1:

Beginning Hebrew for students with no previous knowledge and those with minimal background. Students at this level will aquire basic Hebrew grammar, comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing using basic standard texts.


Level 2:

Beginning Hebrew for students with Hebrew speaking background. Students in this level will incerease their proficiency in basic Hebrew writing, reading, grammar, and conversation skills using basic intermediate texts.


Level 3:

Intermediate Hebrew (English speaking background)

Students will intensify their proficiency skills in Hebrew reading, writing, grammar, and conversation using standard intermediate texts.


Level 4: 

Intermediate Hebrew (Hebrew speaking background)

Students will intensify their proficiency skills in Hebrew reading and writing utilizing authentic Israeli materials and media.


Level 5:

Advanced Hebrew (English speaking background)

Students will intensify and reinforce their proficiency skills in Hebrew speaking, comprehension, reading and writing. Conversational Hebrew and reading selections will be drawn from modern Hebrew literature, political essays and newspaper articles.


Level 6:

Advanced Hebrew (Hebrew speaking background)

Advanced students will enhance their proficiency and accuracy in writing and speaking utilizing Hebrew plays, essays, current articles from Israeli newspapers, TV programs, and Israeli films. Students will complete advanced written assignments and all discussions will be conducted entirely in Hebrew.





Modern Hebrew Language
Foreign Language Credits
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